Sunday, September 26, 2010

Liverpool Campaign Out To Sabotage Hicks

Angry Liverpool fans have mounted a concerted campaign to sabotage co-owner Tom Hicks’ attempts to stay in control at Anfield.

Hicks has spent the last week in his native USA desperately trying to persuade major financial institutions like Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan to repay the £280million owed to the Royal Bank of Scotland by their October 15 deadline.

But Liverpool fans have flooded US media outlets and financial centres with e-mails outlining their disgust at Hicks’ attempts to cling on to power.

The fans have warned potential investors that their wrath will come down on those who are sympathetic to the hated Hicks. The American is prepared to buy out Liverpool partner George Gillett and hang on to the club in the hope he can sell for a huge profit. Unless he can raise the necessary cash to pay off the RBS then the club could fall into the hands of the bank.

The RBS would then have to swiftly find new owners - but at a knockdown price of £300m.

That is why all interested parties are holding off in the knowledge they could get it on the cheap.

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