Saturday, July 24, 2010

Coalition Government Says Hillsborough Panel Future Is Secure

The future of the Hillsborough panel was today confirmed by the government.

Home secretary Theresa May ended weeks of speculation that the committee formed to probe the hidden files on the tragedy could be under threat.

She revealed the work of the panel would continue and not be scaled down in a statement in the House of Commons today.

It ended fears the project was among the schemes being considered for the axe by the new coalition government to save money.

Walton MP Steve Rotheram and Garston MP Maria Eagle both previously expressed doubts to the ECHO the new Tory/Lib Dem alliance were as committed to the hidden files project as the previous Labour government.

But, in a statement to Westminster, Mrs May said: “The panel has the government’s full support in achieving maximum possible disclosure of the records, initially to the Hillsborough families and then publicly.

“No changes are to be made either to the panel’s terms of reference or to its membership, which both remain as previously published.

“My meetings with the Bishop of Liverpool have confirmed to me both the importance of the panel’s work and the diligence and professionalism with which is it carrying out its duty, and I am happy to confirm it will continue with our full support.”

The bishop, the Right Reverend James Jones, called the announcement “crucial” in the step towards publication of hundreds of thousands of papers.

He said the promise showed the government viewed the panel’s work as “more important to party politics”.

He told the ECHO: “This is a statement of backing from a new government, a pledge we will be given the funding to deliver what the panel set out to do when it was formed five months ago.

“When I took the job of chairing the panel, I was never in doubt it would continue its work, no matter who won the upcoming election.

“In fact, I would never have taken on such a responsibility if I thought I would not be able to complete it.”

Eight experts are now sifting through documents relating to the tragedy, in which 96 Liverpool FC fans lost their lives in Sheffield.

It is expected to be another 18 months until the first documents are made public, probably in 2012.

The papers being studied include those from South Yorkshire police, the regional fire and ambulance services, Sheffield Wednesday FC and Sheffield council.

Also being scrutinised are files from West Midlands police, Lord Justice Taylor’s public inquiry papers and Lord Justice Stuart Smith’s inquiry research.

Some of the panel’s work could take place in Liverpool and Sheffield.

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