Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rafael Benitez Hits Out Lucas Leiva's Critics

Rafael Benitez has hit out at Lucas Leiva's critics following the Liverpool midfielder's call-up for Brazil's forthcoming World Cup qualifiers.

The Liverpool manager has become increasingly annoyed at the criticism of the 22-year-old, and has suggested he is an easy target compared to more established stars.

"Lucas has a very good mentality. But for someone of his age to suffer such criticism from the experts on TV is wrong," he said.

"He is so good but still he was criticised. I do not understand why they do not criticise other players, more senior players, when they do not play well. He is an easy target and maybe they are not brave enough to criticise the bigger players here."

He added: "But he will have a big season. He was the best player in pre-season and at Spurs, when we did not play well, he was still one of the best alongside Glen Johnson and Pepe Reina.

"Against Stoke he again showed his quality. He has a very good mentality. He can tackle, win headers and pass the ball. He will make mistakes like anyone, but he is and will be a very good player. I was really pleased for Lucas, in particular, after the win against Stoke and his performance.

"I have been really surprised at the amount of criticism he has had to cope with from the pundits, the so-called experts. Lucas is still a young player but he has experience. And after the display against Stoke everyone can see, even the so-called experts on TV pundit panels, can see he is a very good player.

"Hopefully they will now stop using him as a target. He is a very good lad, an excellent professional. I find it hard to understand that if you are an expert on TV, you cannot see these things."

Lucas will be in Liverpool's midfield on Monday for the home game with Aston Villa, and he has earned a call-up for Brazil for their crucial World Cup ties against Argentina and Chile next month.

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