Saturday, July 25, 2009

Liverpool Legend Kenny Dalglish Praises Gerrard's Character In Court

Liverpool legend Kenny Dalglish has paid tribute to Steven Gerrard in a statement read out during his court case.

Gerrard is currently facing charges of causing affray, and he has received strong support from Dalglish.

The former Scottish international's statement was read out in court, and The Mirror quote it as saying, "I have known Steven Gerrard since he came to Liverpool FC as a 14 year old.

"He is not the archetypal footballer, he does not seek publicity. He does not like moving in movie star circles and does not measure his success by column inches in newspapers.

"In many ways he is different to what people think of as a superstar footballer. He likes to move in private circles.

"He accepts the fact that he is a talented footballer and he is very well paid for what he loves to do, playing football."

Dalglish continued, "Despite the fame and obvious wealth that comes with his level of success, he has not forgotten his roots or where he has come from. I believe those values have been instilled in him by his mum and dad, who I have also met and who are lovely people.

"He is a very respectful young man. He is a humble man and his personality could be described as quiet.

"Stevie receives a lot of grief for simply trying to be normal.”

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